


Bug #20

ESIM SN002 Boot Anomaly

Added by Greg Mathis almost 7 years ago.

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Noticed that occasionally ESIM would not seem to boot up out of flash after power on. There would be no telemetry, as evidenced with an oscilloscope. Thought maybe there was another internal JTAG cable malfunction that was occasionally keeping the Pender from booting. Opened the top cover and removed the cable, but still occasionally say no boot up. It happens seemingly randomly, maybe every 4 or 5 power cycles. Now that the cover was removed, noticed the Pender ERROR LED was lit up on one occasion when there was no telemetry. However, also saw a case where there was no telemetry but the ERROR LED was NOT lit up.

During a time when there was no telemetry, tried connecting with GRMON. While Windows device manager showed COM4 present, GRMON could not connect. Cycled power, got telemetry back, then connected GRMON. Ran a flash verify which found one error. See image of GRMON shell. Not sure how that flash error got in there. I'm 99% sure that is the same prom.out file that was actually loaded, since prom.out was rebuilt for the execution of the ESIM SN002 ATP.

Erased flash and reloaded prom.out. Then verified no flash error. Now, it seems it boots up every time from flash.

ESIM_SN002_FlashError.JPG (84.4 KB) ESIM_SN002_FlashError.JPG Greg Mathis, 04/23/2018 12:49 PM

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