Bug #19
Regression Test Failure
The regression test failed after running for about 6.5 hours. There was a failure in verify "Cmd Function Code Echo" in the science telemetry packet. The Science Telemetry VI shows 15855 checksum errors, so presumably there was something wrong with the science packet. Not sure if control board sent bad packets or there was an issue with the SCS receiving them or transmitting them to the VI.
While there are 15855 checksum errors, it is currently working fine, there error count is not incrementing.
The SCS server log shows no apparent error messages.
The regression test log file is regressionTest_20180419_164047.log.
#1 Updated by Greg Mathis almost 7 years ago
Around 1:30 on the same day, 4/20/2018, tried running regression test again, and at the beginning saw science packet errors. The Hydra status telemetry indicated packets were not coming at 9 every 4 seconds. Went to the SCS rack, killed Hydra and then restarted Hydra. Immediately after, the science packets looked good. So I would tend to believe the original issue is a Hydra issue.